Friday, September 25, 2015

SAI is acting cold...

September and I still have not finished Before the Tale's last CG. Due to, perhaps, greater forces my beloved 5 years relationship with Paint tool SAI is unstable until today.
First the brush moved at slower phase or hardly even followed my hand movement from the graphic tablet. I did checked some solutions online but to no avail. So after days of deep thoughts and considerations I opted to uninstall it but alas, I forgot to backup my brush settings.
Reinstalling SAI program I thought or rather, hoped, it would work like it used to again. Smooth and brush movements paralleled to mine. For a couple of minutes it did, but then slow phased movement yet again.
Honestly speaking I have no idea what the heck I'm suppose to do now. I can't work digitally and my mood is dropping again.
How can one work and draw if one's materials do not collaborate? This is seriously getting on my nerves! Sorry you guys had to read this.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Conspiracy Progress

I'm proud to announce that Mizuno, Yuu and Katsuo's ending are finally done! I can't say wither they are satisfying though... This is the current statistic:

The game contains 2,662 dialogue blocks, containing 19,218 words and 100,736 characters, for an average of 7.2 words and 38 characters per block.

  Yep, I've reach 19,000+ words. I still can't believe I managed to write their endings. Jin and the special route is still unfinished, I'm working on it bit by bit as to not diffuse my own volition of script writing.

 Anyway I changed its UI again, or at least I'm thinking to. The chibi designs on its background will be fully replace by a simple design pattern. Here's a quick preview of the new menu.

3rd menu restyling...
Lastly, I can't tell when but once I've finished editing my personal blog, all art updates will be posted there so please keep an eye out. This is a decision I have always considered, separating my personal blog to that of my game's. Still, thank you for visiting Strange Chemistry! (*^ワ^*)