Saturday, November 28, 2020

Dev Diary #02

Positive updates this week!

After a lot of trial and error, I found a gallery code which I can understand to a degree at last. Thanks to tofurocks, and her very handy GUI template, I managed to set up the gallery screen after so many months of headache. Obviously, there have been slight design changes which had to be done but I'm very satisfied with it.

Here's a quick work in progress preview! 

With all the UI coding out of the way, I can now fully concentrate on finishing the CG art. Ideally, the style should be as low-effort, but equally appealing, as possible in time for the game jam deadline. Already, I started sketching a couple few of them. Overall the game should contain 12 unlockable images.

( Sketch of  Her reading a book )

( Sketch of  Her smiling )

In terms of art style, I'm considering going for a watercolour vibe akin to Studio Ghibli's "Kaguya-hime no Monogatari" (2013) and a short film I stumbled upon at Gobelin's youtube channel titled "Un Diable San La Poche" (2019).

Should personal circumstances and my mood be alright over the course of the week, then hopefully, this experimental KN can be submitted even before the deadline. 🤞 That's all for this week's entry. Thank you very much for reading. 

As always stay safe and take care. 😊

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Dev Diary #01

Hello readers, starting from this point on, all visual novel dev related posts will fall under "Dev Diary" for consistency's sake. 

Here's the progress I made so far this week!

Since the ongoing project was already around 60% complete by the time I put it aside for Nocturnal Affairs, I have finally placed the last missing background images and music. Having not received any response from the coding issue problem I was having with the game's UI history, I decided to ignore the problem completely rather than obsessed about it.

In any case, I am currently re-designing the UI gallery screen and figuring out how to code it without resulting in a massive headache (the gallery UI continues to intimidate me to this time after years 😥). Every now and then I might alternate between programming the gallery and drawing the CG art to possibly help avoid procrastination. 

In regards, to what will happen to my future endeavour as a developer, should I manage to successfully submit this visual novel before the deadline, I am considering stopping entirely to focus exclusively on my art, or, re-polish my earlier visual novel releases. Once I made up my mind, I will make sure to write a proper announcement on all my social media pages. That's all for now.

Thank you for reading this week's update. Take care! 💕

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

November News!

 Long time no see! How have you all been doing this far into what has been an insane year?

I'm excited to announce that I'll be joining a final 2020 game jam hosted by Terra called "Finish Your Visual Novel" over at The jam essentially is, finishing your long-overdue project before the start of January 2021. 

Keep an eye out on this blog for, hopefully, weekly updates in the days to come. 

Take care, practice physical distancing and stay safe! 😉