Saturday, January 14, 2017

Working on a KN


It's been so long since I last updated this blog. I myself can't believe it's 2017 already. I hope those who played Nocturnal Affair's demo enjoyed it. Unfortunately, as always, I haven't been working on the last half of the game script. 
This year has kind of been an emotional roller coaster for me both online and off, but I'm not going to ramble about it here. I did decided to separate my personal blog from my game development blog so I will at least keep my word on this.
Going on... as I did stated last summer before Yaoi Jam started, I had a short kinetic novel script proofread and ready to be worked on. 
This KN is supposed to be part of a trilogy series. However I will only publish two of them (if I ever feel like working on the second episode at all). 
The reason I will not be releasing the third episode is because I think I'll never feel satisfied with the draft version. Plus I think these two KN does give enough general idea of what the whole story is about. In case nobody get it well... just better ask me LOL.
Yesterday I tried working on it with Tyrano Builder but while using it I felt it lacked some functions I'm more used on having with Ren'Py. Which lead me to opt on using the latter instead. I guess I'll save it again for another time. 

That's all for now.  Have a nice day! 💓