Sunday, September 19, 2021

Dev Diary #26

Dear Dev Diary,

Here is our progress for week 3 of Spooktober VN Jam. 

We're almost halfway done with the scenes for the script, and after a disastrous start (I'm really sorry guys) with programming, we finally started getting things moving! Ashish created a prototype for the sprites ATL variations based on the player's choice and is looking to create a way for the voice-over gender variations to work.

Sprite-wise, I started sketching the four extra characters this week, which mean lineart by AWOOGA! should be ready within next week. The good news is, all male and female variations for both the main protagonists are good to go! All that's left is to add the expressions, export the PNGs and we're essentially done! Speaking of done, this week saw the end of editing for our backgrounds. Phew!

On the voice-over side of things, the gracious Rebecca and Vince began recording the lines for the first two scenes of "The Raven". Additionally, we were blessed enough for kryzys' custom sfx. 

Besides the amazing work of the CG team (shout-out to Heiden and saigogo!!!), and everyone in general I say we're at a good point with the assets. Can't wait to share more behind the scenes to you all 😁  

Have an awesome week ahead~!