Saturday, April 10, 2021

Dev Diary #14

Dear Dev Diary,

Last week I took the opportunity to step back from vn dev work to take a rest. Before doing so, however, I finished encoding the main script into Ren'Py and found an easy code to change the sprite image base on the player's choice.
I did encounter bugs while trying to place it as a separate .rpy file with the return function. The game ended up looping all over again once the ending was reached, hence why everything is on the main script now.

Moving on, during the week I, unfortunately, discovered my laptop has run into an issue. I can't uninstall apps nor run everything else. Apparently, the internal hard disk has met its untimely demise. With some luck, we managed to track down a local repairman who fixed it in less than two days. When I planned the break, a broken laptop wasn't part of it. Anyway, as soon as it was good again, I immediately got back into working on Pink Rose. Which right now would be: encoding the bonus scene, fixing the branches (one of the endings won't show up), adding background music and preparing the demo to be released hopefully this month.

With Otome Jam taking place in May, I'm almost enticed to submit PR as an entry. The game is more or less around 50-60% in terms of progress. The daunting part will be mostly the dual CGs variations. It would mean going for a simple art style without giving up on the aesthetic. We'll see how it goes.

Thank you for reading 🤗