Saturday, March 13, 2021

Dev Diary #10

Dear Dev Diary,

I'm experimenting with this new entry for the blog. Hopefully, it sticks *fingers crossed*.

These past few weeks I commenced coding the GUI, and the results are extremely satisfying! My past experience with White Book has certainly contributed to how I'm handling the process for Pink Rose. This in return will add new skills for the revamp of Before the Tale (still have to design the GUI and art on that one).

In addition, I'm happy to say the script for the Bonus content has begun. After re-writing it countless times over the years, I finally found the right scenario for the after story. Meanwhile, I have been occupied volunteering as a sprite lineart artist for Nanoreno 2021. 

The plan for this month would be to finish coding the important screens for the game, edit the rest of the backgrounds, have the main script edited and finish the Bonus script. I still have to draw Pink Rose's custom roses, something I intend to do after my task for Nanoreno finishes. Fortunately, the art block will be gone by then.

That's all for this week.