Saturday, July 10, 2021

Dev Diary #17


Dear Dev Diary,

This week saw the release of my latest interactive fiction game "See You", which is basically a recycled script of that short visual novel I wanted to work on back in 2018. "See You" is one of those impromptu projects I decided to work on as a means to restore my creative block. All I had to do was finished what little I had managed to import since last 2020 and find an editor who would help me revise everything. Thankfully, I managed to find the amazing illegalileo. 

I don't remember exactly how "See You" came to be, but I did enjoy the idea of one's past resurfacing at an important point in one's life and how a casual encounter might change it for the better, or for worse. As for the endings, I don't consider them endings but consequences of one's choices. Similar to how our own choices can have consequences in the future. This is exactly what I love about interactive fiction and visual novels, you can have the same story but experience it in various ways based on a series of choices. It's the kind of stories I wish to be able to create. 

Ramblings aside, I'm finding it difficult to focus on working on Pink Rose's CGs. Apparently, my art block hasn't been entirely defeated. On the other hand, L'Hiver's story is going as all plotless story goes. One way or another, I'll need to have a solid plotline for this game rather than going blindly. In the meantime, I'm trying to find ways to create a mystery list within the game using my meagre understanding of Twine and Sugarcube combined. 

However, my main goal remains the same for this year: Pink Rose's 2021 release! I have to push through the art block somehow. We'll see how it goes.

Stay safe always. 😄