Thursday, June 18, 2015

Progressing Work

Presenting you a premier preview of Conspiracy's new logo along side recent changes I've done on the game.
Do not copy or redistribute without owner's consent!
I opted for a more simple and elegant style for Conspiracy's new logo. The text and name box will remain the same with some exceptions as seen below.

   As mentioned on a recent post, episode introduction will have recurring scene rather than putting  chibi versions of the characters visible on earlier works. Decided it was better to remove it since it would take a lot of precious time.  The idea was fun so I'm thinking of using it on another game if I have the chance. 
   Earlier background setting versions will be replaced with something which I already have in mind and is currently a work in progress. I'll post it as soon as I can. Still have to search for new background musics and try customizing choice menus.
   Finished Keith's lineart last night as well. All that's left to do is work on details and color it, then I can start with the protagonist's uncle. I'm scheduling the times I'm suppose to work on Black Lotus and on my game at the moment and so far everything's going well. Better keep this up!